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Dating:4. A Blind Date 约会:4.相亲


A: Excuse me. Is your name John? B: Yes, and you must be Karen. A: I am. I'm sorry this is the first blind date I've been on. B: Oh, me too. I'm just as nervous. A: Well, that's one thing we have in common already. B: You look just like the picture Jimmy showed me. A: So how long have you known Jimmy? B: We actually used to date. A: Wow, your ex set you up on a blind date? B: He knows I'm a good catch, so he let me get away.

上一篇: Dating:3. Asking for a Date (2) 约会:3.要求约会(2)
下一篇: Dating:5. Dating a long-time friend (1) 约会:5.与一位老朋友约会(1)