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Health:6. Buying Over-the-Counter Medicine 健康:6.购买非处方药


A: I have a really bad headache. What do you recommend? B: You can purchase some over-the-counter pain relievers in aisle 6. A: Do I need a prescription for those? B: No. You just pick whichever brand your prefer and pay for it at the register. A: There are so many choices. B: If you read the labels, you can pick the one that is best for you. A: Is there a difference between the name brand pills and the store brand pills? B: Usually there isn't. Just compare the labels and look for active ingredients. A: The store brand is less expensive. B: Usually it is just as effective. A: I sure hope so because I want to save money and not have a headache. B: I think you can achieve both things.

上一篇: Health:5. A Toothache 健康:5.牙痛
下一篇: Health:7. Filling Prescription 健康:7.配药处方