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Health:12. Going Home Early Because Of Being Ill 健康:12.因为生病而提早回家


A: Can I have a minute? B: What is going on? A: I'm really not feeling very well this afternoon. B: Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. A: Do you think I can leave the office early? B: Well, I have some medication here on my desk. A: I already took some pills and they really aren't helping. B: It's just that we have the report due today. A: I already gave Dennis what I have so far. B: He knows how to finish it? A: I emailed him detailed instructions. B: All right, go home then, but leave your phone on so we can call you if we have questions.

上一篇: Health:11. Changing an Appointment Time 健康:11.更改约会时间
下一篇: Health:13. Having a Blood Test in the Lab 健康:13.在实验室验血