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At A Hotel:5. Asking the Concierge for Sightseeing Advice 在酒店:5.向礼宾部咨询观光建议


A: I have a few hours to explore the city. B: I can make some recommendations for you. A: Great! I want to see some museums. B: Here are some brochures for some local museums. Do you like modern or classic art? A: I like modern art. Are the museums far? B: It depends on which one of the two modern art museums you want to see. A: Where is the closest one? B: Let me show you on the map. This one is in walking distance from the hotel. A: Is the ticket to get in very expensive? B: It's normally $20. A: Does the hotel offer any discount tickets? B: If you buy the ticket here, it will only cost you $15.

上一篇: At A Hotel:4. Requesting a Wake-up Call 在酒店:4.要求叫醒
下一篇: At A Hotel:6. Asking the Concierge for Restaurant Advice 在酒店:6.向礼宾部咨询餐厅建议