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Socializing:11. Accepting Food or Drinks 社交:11.接受食物或饮料


A: Can I get you something to drink? B: I would love something to drink. A: I have water, juice, ice tea or did you want something stronger? B: Something stronger would be great. Do you have wine? A: I do. Would you prefer red wine or white wine? B: I'd love white, but it depends what kind you have. A: I have Chardonnay. B: That would be great. I'll take a glass. A: Excellent! Should I also bring out some cheese and crackers. B: That would go so well with the wine. A: Great! Just give me a moment to get that from the kitchen. B: You are such a wonderful host.

上一篇: Socializing:10. Greeting an Old Friend 社交:10.问候老朋友
下一篇: Socializing:12. Declining Food or Drinks 社交:12.减少食物或饮料