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Voting:16. Happy with the Result 投票:16.对结果满意


A: Finally we'll have a Democratic mayor in New York City. B: I don't even know what that is like. A: Exactly! There hasn't been a Democrat running this city in a long time. B: I hope he will live up to all his campaign promises. A: He will. The mayor elect is really sincere. B: They all seem sincere in the beginning. A: This is really going to turn the city around. B: How will that happen? A: Are your kidding? There will be better schools. B: The school system is pretty bad right now. A: There will also be more affordable housing. B: The city sure could use that.

上一篇: Voting:15. Disappointed at the Result 投票:15.对结果感到失望
下一篇: Voting:17. Comments on the New President 投票:17.对新总统的评论