126. COLLEGE LIFE: Using a Vending Machine (3) 大学生活:使用自动售货机(3)


A: I want to know how to buy something from this machine. B: Yeah, the new ones can be tricky. What are you trying to buy? A: I want to buy one of those snack things. B: Are you ready to go? A: I'm clear so far. B: The money goes in the slot over there. It has to be smooth to go in. A: It won't go in! B: Just remember that you might have to feed the money in a couple of times to get it to work. A: Yes, next step. B: Make your selection and hope for the best. Vending machines aren't all that reliable. A: They're totally unreliable. B: You seem to have it down. Have a good day!

上一篇: 125. COLLEGE LIFE: Using a Vending Machine (2) 大学生活:使用自动售货机(2)
下一篇: 127. COLLEGE LIFE: Getting a Library (1) 大学生活:获得图书馆(1)