131. COLLEGE LIFE: Returning Overdue Books (2) 大学生活:归还过期图书(2)


A: These books should have been turned in last week. B: You have come to the correct place. Hand me your books. A: Here they are. B: Whoa, these are pretty late! You owe five dollars total to clear your fine. A: I don't have the money right now. B: We only require that all fines must be paid off by the end of the semester. So you will be okay to go. A: What would happen if I didn't pay it? B: It's really important to always clear your fines, so you'll get a report card and transcripts on time. A: Yeah, but I don't know how they can do that. B: Always remember that the night drop is here, and we really appreciate you returning your books for all to use.

上一篇: 130. COLLEGE LIFE: Returning Overdue Books (1) 大学生活:归还过期图书(1)
下一篇: 132. COLLEGE LIFE: Returning Overdue Books (3) 大学生活:归还过期图书(3)