150. AT THE LIBRARY: Applying for a Passport (3) 在图书馆:申请护照(3)


A: What can I do for you? B: I need a passport. A: You can apply for one here. B: When can I do that? A: If you like, you can apply right now. B: That would be great. A: I'm going to need you to complete this application. B: What else do I have to do? A: Then I will take your picture for your passport. B: How long will it take? A: Your passport will be ready in a few weeks. B: Thank you. That's perfect timing.

上一篇: 149. AT THE LIBRARY: Applying for a Passport (2) 在图书馆:申请护照(2)
下一篇: 151. AT THE LIBRARY: Asking Questions at the Information Desk (1) 在图书馆:在咨询台提问(1)