204. TRANSFERRING TO A UNIVERSITY: Registering for Classes Needed for Transfer (3) 转校:注册转校所需的课程(3)


A: Is this the registration desk? B: Yes, this is the place. A: I need to get some classes. B: What classes would you like? A: I need to finish my GE classes so that I can transfer. B: Have you finished any of your GE classes yet? A: This is going to be my first semester. B: Have you taken the placement test yet? A: I believe I already took the placement test last month. B: What math and English classes did you get placed in? A: I was placed in English 1A and Math 131. B: I'll make sure you have those classes this semester.

上一篇: 203. TRANSFERRING TO A UNIVERSITY: Registering for Classes Needed for Transfer (2) 转校:注册转校所需的课程(2)
下一篇: 205. TRANSFERRING TO A UNIVERSITY: Talking to a Counselor about Transferring (1) 转学:与辅导员谈论转学(1)