210. TRANSFERRING TO A UNIVERSITY: Asking a Professor to Write a Reference Letter (3) 转校:请教授写推荐信(3)


A: Do you think that you can help me? B: What can I do for you? A: I'm going to be transferring schools soon. B: That's great! Where do you want to transfer to? A: I'm going to apply to NYU and UCLA. B: That's wonderful, but what do you need from me? A: I need you to write a couple of letters of reference for me. B: That's it? A: Yes, that's it. B: That shouldn't be a problem. A: Thank you so much. B: I'll have them ready for you tomorrow.

上一篇: 209. TRANSFERRING TO A UNIVERSITY: Asking a Professor to Write a Reference Letter (2) 转校:请教授写推荐信(2)
下一篇: 211. TRANSFERRING TO A UNIVERSITY: Not Accepted to a University (1) 转学:未被本科录取(1)