255. SOCIALIZING: Greeting an Old Friend (3) 社交:问候老朋友(3)


A: It has certainly been a long time since I saw you last. B: It has been a long time since I last saw you. A: Can you remember when we last saw each other? B: It was about two years ago that we saw each other. A: What have you been up to for the past two years? B: I am finishing up my doctorate at USC. A: What subject did you decide to study? B: International communications is my field. A: That sounds like a very marketable degree. B: I am expecting to get my degree and find an interesting position.

上一篇: 254. SOCIALIZING: Greeting an Old Friend (2) 社交:问候老朋友(2)
下一篇: 256. SOCIALIZING: Accepting Food or Drinks (1) 社交:接受食物或饮料(1)