259. SOCIALIZING: Declining Food or Drinks (1) 社交:减少食物或饮料(1)


A: Mary, it's good to see you! B: Josh and I were just on our way back home from the beach and thought we'd drop by. A: I am so glad that you decided to stop by! B: Yes, it has been a long time since we have seen you. A: Mary, can I get Josh or you something to drink? B: Oh no, thank you. We aren't all that thirsty. A: How about a little snack then? B: No, thank you, we just ate lunch a little while ago. A: Well then, how is your family? B: Everyone is doing great. My sister finally had her baby.

上一篇: 258. SOCIALIZING: Accepting Food or Drinks (3) 社交:接受食物或饮料(3)
下一篇: 260. SOCIALIZING: Declining Food or Drinks (2) 社交:拒绝食物或饮料(2)