277. DATING: Asking for a Date (4) 约会:要求约会(4)


A: Hi, Todd, how is it going? B: Things are going well. How are you, Mary? A: I've also been doing well. B: You know I've been thinking about maybe taking in a movie this weekend. Do you like to go to the movies? A: Yes, I really enjoy movies. B: Well, I've been hoping that we could spend some time together away from here. I was wondering if you would like to go out Friday evening for dinner and a movie. A: Sure, that sounds good. B: Is there any movie in particular that you might be interested in? A: I was thinking about that movie, "Australia." B: Yeah, that looks like one that we both might enjoy. If I picked you up at 7:00, would that work out OK for you? A: Seven o'clock would be great! B: Fine, then I'll see you at 7:00. I am looking forward to a great evening!

上一篇: 276. DATING: Asking for a Date (3) 约会:要求约会(3)
下一篇: 278. DATING: Asking for a Date (5) 约会:要求约会(5)