283. DATING: Calling After the Date (1) 约会:约会后打电话(1)


A: Hi Linda, this is Todd. B: Todd, good to hear from you! A: I just wanted to tell you what a great time I had with you at the movies last week. B: Me too, Todd! Thanks for suggesting that great movie. A: I also enjoyed it and was wondering if you would like to go for a hike in the mountains with me on Saturday. B: I would love to join you on a hike. Could I maybe bring a picnic lunch for us to eat on the trail? A: Sure Linda, that's a great suggestion. B: Fine then, what time are we going to leave? A: I was thinking maybe 9:00 or so, so that we could get started before the heat gets too bad. B: Nine would be perfect. I'll see you then!

上一篇: 282. DATING: Meeting a Blind Date (3) 约会:相亲(3)
下一篇: 284. DATING: Calling After the Date (2) 约会:约会后打电话(2)