334. RENTING AN APARTMENT: Finding an Apartment (1) 租赁公寓:寻找公寓(1)


A: I finally found an apartment that I want to rent. B: Where did you see it? A: I saw it in this ad for apartments in today's newspaper. B: You found an apartment in the ads? A: I really did, but what's so great about it is that it's really affordable. B: Tell me about the apartment. A: Well, most importantly the apartment is beautiful. B: How much is the rent for the apartment? A: The rent is $725 each month. B: That's pretty cheap for out here. A: That's what I said when I found out how much the rent was. B: Congratulations on the new apartment.

上一篇: 333. RENTING AN APARTMENT: Responding to an Ad for Roommates (3) 租房:回应室友广告(3)
下一篇: 335. RENTING AN APARTMENT: Finding an Apartment (2) 租赁公寓:寻找公寓(2)