420. RENTING AN APARTMENT: Fumigation and Relocation for a Night (3) 租用公寓:熏蒸和搬迁一晚(3)


A: Hello. Could you help me understand a few things about the fumigation letter? B: It would be my pleasure to help you. What is your question? A: Can I still stay in my apartment while they are doing this? B: You and your pets will have to leave your apartment for 36 hours. A: Are you putting us up in the hotel you mentioned, or do we have to pay for it? B: We will be paying for the rooms. A: Do I have a choice as to what hotel I stay in? B: If you want to switch hotels, just bring me the receipt and I will reimburse you for the same amount of money that I would have spent on you. A: I think I might just go stay with my boyfriend. B: If you have another place to stay, you will get fifty dollars for the night. A: What other safety precautions do we need to take? B: The letter you received includes a checklist that tells you how to store your food.

上一篇: 419. RENTING AN APARTMENT: Fumigation and Relocation for a Night (2) 租用公寓:熏蒸和搬迁一晚(2)
下一篇: 421. RENTING AN APARTMENT: Key and Lock Problems (1) 租赁公寓:钥匙和锁问题(1)