429. RENTING AN APARTMENT: Roof Leaking (3) 出租公寓:屋顶漏水(3)


A: I need to talk with the property manager right away! B: This is the property manager. What seems to be the problem? A: This morning, when we woke up, there was water pouring in from the ceiling! B: Could you tell me what room had the leak? A: There were several rooms, but the worst leak was in the bathroom. B: Could you please remind me which floor you are on? A: We are on the second floor, one of the middle floors. B: I will be sending the assistant manager to check it out. May we look at it this morning? A: Actually, I have to go to school right now. B: If you aren't there, we will use our master key to get in and check things out.

上一篇: 428. RENTING AN APARTMENT: Roof Leaking (2) 租赁公寓:屋顶漏水(2)
下一篇: 430. RENTING AN APARTMENT: Plumbing (1) 租赁公寓:管道(1)