439. RENTING AN APARTMENT: Asking the Landlord about Fixing a Problem (1) 租赁公寓:询问房东如何解决问题(1)


A: I'm having a problem. B: What's the problem? A: A pipe burst in my wall. B: Is the pipe causing any water damage? A: The water is causing mildew. B: I can come fix the pipe sometime tomorrow. A: Can I just call someone myself to fix it? B: I don't think that would be a good idea. A: You won't do it until tomorrow. B: I guess you have a point. A: So, I can call someone to fix it? B: Go right ahead.

上一篇: 438. RENTING AN APARTMENT: Poor Upkeep (3) 租房:保养差(3)
下一篇: 440. RENTING AN APARTMENT: Asking the Landlord about Fixing a Problem (2) 租赁公寓:询问房东如何解决问题(2)