459. RENTING AN APARTMENT: Getting the Deposit Back (3) 租房:退还押金(3)


A: I'm going to be moving out soon. B: You still have time on your lease. A: There's no way that I can stay here. B: That's not going to be all right. A: I don't understand why. B: I'm going to have to keep your deposit A: Why can't I have it back? B: Because you're leaving before your lease is over. A: You have to give it back to me. B: You're not going to get it. A: But I'm not able to live here anymore. B: I can't help you with that.

上一篇: 458. RENTING AN APARTMENT: Getting the Deposit Back (2) 租房:退还押金(2)
下一篇: 460. TAKING THE BUS: Asking about Where to Get Off (1) 乘坐公交车:询问在哪里下车(1)