480. TAKING THE BUS: On a Wrong Bus (3) 乘公共汽车:乘错了公共汽车(3)


A: Are you sure you know where this bus goes? B: It should go to Altadena. A: What do you mean it should? B: I'm not completely sure if it really does. A: Dude, are we on the right bus? B: I'm almost positive that this is the right one. A: It doesn't look like we're on our way to Altadena. B: We have been riding this bus for a long time. A: What does that sign say? B: I think it says Temple City. A: Yup, I'm never trusting you with the bus schedules again. B: I'm sorry. But at least we know which bus to catch to get back where we started.

上一篇: 479. TAKING THE BUS: On a Wrong Bus (2) 乘公共汽车:乘错了公共汽车(2)
下一篇: 481. TAKING THE BUS: Student Discount (1) 乘坐公交车:学生折扣(1)