521. DAILY LIFE: Reporting an Internet Problem (2) 日常生活:报告互联网问题(2)


A: I need to get my internet fixed. B: What's the problem with your internet? A: It won't connect. B: How long has this been happening? A: This problem has been happening for a few days now. B: The internet doesn't come up at all? A: It just won't connect to a webpage, but it will pop up. B: There's obviously a problem with your connection. A: I'm going to need someone to come and fix it for me. B: I can send somebody right now to fix it. A: How long will it take for them to get here? B: They'll be there in about an hour.

上一篇: 520. DAILY LIFE: Reporting an Internet Problem (1) 日常生活:报告互联网问题(1)
下一篇: 522. DAILY LIFE: Reporting an Internet Problem (3) 日常生活:报告互联网问题(3)