530. DAILY LIFE: Making an Appointment to Have a Haircut (2) 日常生活:预约理发(2)


A: How's it going? B: Perfect. What did you need? A: I would like to schedule an appointment to get a haircut. B: What day are you free? A: I'd like to come in on Saturday. B: I'll just see if we have any openings. A: All right. B: The only time we have on Saturday is in the morning. A: I'd like to schedule it for 10:30. B: That's perfect. A: I appreciate that. B: We'll see you then.

上一篇: 529. DAILY LIFE: Making an Appointment to Have a Haircut (1) 日常生活:预约理发(1)
下一篇: 531. DAILY LIFE: Making an Appointment to Have a Haircut (3) 日常生活:预约理发(3)