549. DAILY LIFE: Returning a Call to Child's Teacher at School (3) 日常生活:给孩子在学校的老师回电话(3)


A: I believe that you called me? B: Oh, hi. Thanks for getting back to me quickly. A: Why did you call me? B: I was calling about your son. A: Did he do something wrong? B: Your son was acting up in class. A: What do you mean? B: He was talking and causing a disturbance during class. A: That's really not like him. B: If you could just talk to him, I would greatly appreciate it. A: I apologize, and I'll make sure he doesn't do that again. B: Don't worry about it, but thank you very much.

上一篇: 548. DAILY LIFE: Returning a Call to Child's Teacher at School (2) 日常生活:给孩子在学校的老师回电话(2)
下一篇: 550. DAILY LIFE: Meeting Child's Teacher at School (1) 日常生活:在学校会见孩子的老师(1)