550. DAILY LIFE: Meeting Child's Teacher at School (1) 日常生活:在学校会见孩子的老师(1)


A: It's nice to meet you. B: I'm glad we're meeting today. Thank you. A: You're welcome. B: I would like to talk to you about your daughter. A: Is there a problem? B: No, your daughter is great. A: That's great news. B: Your daughter is a wonderful student. A: She isn't messing up in class? B: Of course not. Your daughter is smart and very well behaved. A: I'm so glad to hear that she's doing well. B: It is my pleasure to have her in my class.

上一篇: 549. DAILY LIFE: Returning a Call to Child's Teacher at School (3) 日常生活:给孩子在学校的老师回电话(3)
下一篇: 551. DAILY LIFE: Meeting Child's Teacher at School (2) 日常生活:在学校会见孩子的老师(2)