564. DAILY LIFE: Cleaning Up the Room (3) 日常生活:打扫房间(3)


A: Have you started cleaning up your room yet? B: I haven't gotten started on my room yet. A: When exactly do you plan on cleaning it? B: I have every intention of cleaning my room later. A: I thought I asked you to clean your room earlier. B: I already told you that I'm going to do it. A: Remember to vacuum the floor and dust everything. B: I'll remember to do that. A: Make sure that you don't go anywhere until you clean your room. B: I'll clean my room before I leave.

上一篇: 563. DAILY LIFE: Cleaning Up the Room (2) 日常生活:打扫房间(2)
下一篇: 565. DAILY LIFE: Buying a Burrito (1) 日常生活:买墨西哥煎饼(1)