667. SHOPPING: Buying a Pan (5) 购物:买锅(5)


A: I'm looking for a pan I can use in my kitchen. B: What size pan were you thinking of? A: I've already got a small pan. I need a big one. B: Well, this one might work for you. A: No, that's way too heavy a pan for me. B: Here, lift this aluminum pan. It's the same size. A: Yes, it's very lightweight. But I don't want this aluminum handle. B: Here's a similar aluminum pan. But it has a heat-resistant handle. A: This feels very nice. It's perfect. I'll take it. B: I knew we'd find the right pan sooner or later. How would you like to pay? A: Cash. But first, I need a lid for this pan. B: Oh, no problem. Here's the lid that comes with the pan.

上一篇: 666. SHOPPING: Buying a Pan (4) 购物:买锅(4)
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