746. AT THE BANK: Transferring Money (2) 在银行:转账(2)


A: How are you today? B: Very well. A: Do you need help with something? B: I need to make a transfer. A: What account would you like to transfer the money from? B: I want to transfer money from my savings account. A: Where do you want the money to go to? B: I want the money to be transferred into my checking account. A: How much money are you going to transfer today? B: $200 will be fine. A: Is that all I can do for you today? B: I won't be needing anything else.

上一篇: 745. AT THE BANK: Transferring Money (1) 在银行:转账(1)
下一篇: 747. AT THE BANK: Transferring Money (3) 在银行:转账(3)