819. FOOD: Foods Available at the Cafeteria (6) 食物:自助餐厅提供的食物(6)


A: I need a snack from the cafeteria. B: What are you thinking of getting? A: I only want some chips. B: I think I may get something too. A: What do you plan on buying? B: I have a sweet tooth. I want candy. A: What kind of candy do you want? B: I really want some chocolate. A: What kind of chocolate do you want? B: I either want a Snickers or a Kit Kat. A: The cafeteria doesn't sell Kit Kats. B: Then I guess I'll just get a Snickers.

上一篇: 818. FOOD: Foods Available at the Cafeteria (5) 食物:自助餐厅提供的食物(5)
下一篇: 820. FOOD: Ordering Food at the Cafeteria (1) 食物:在自助餐厅点餐(1)