874. AT A RESTAURANT: Making Negative Comments on Food (1) 在餐厅:对食物做出负面评论(1)


A: George, how is your chicken? B: My chicken tastes all right, but it is pretty dry. How is your fish? A: My fish is pretty dry too. B: It's almost as if this food has been sitting a little too long. It doesn't seem fresh. A: Yes, it seems that way to me also. B: How are your vegetables? A: My vegetables are very soggy. B: Mine are the same way. It seems like they've been overcooked. A: I don't usually complain, but I think that we should mention this to the waiter. B: I agree. Maybe they can bring us some better food.

上一篇: 873. AT A RESTAURANT: Making Positive Comments on Food (3) 在餐厅:对食物做出积极评价(3)
下一篇: 875. AT A RESTAURANT: Making Negative Comments on Food (2) 在餐厅:对食物做出负面评论(2)