879. AT A RESTAURANT: Good Tips for Good Service (3) 在餐厅:良好服务的好提示(3)


A: Would you like to order anything else? B: No, I'm good. All we need now is our check. A: The waitress is walking over here with our check even as we speak. B: I have never had bad service at this restaurant, but this time was really exceptional. A: Yes, she really went out of her way to make this a pleasant dining experience. B: Let's take a look at our bill. The total price for our dinner is $36.00. A: How much money should we leave for a tip? B: I know that 15 percent is a normal tip, but I really thought that this waitress went out of her way for us. What do you think about tippingher 20 percent? A: She definitely deserves 20 percent for a tip. B: So we can add her tip of $7.20 to the bill of $36.00 and the total will be $43.20. A: Yes, what a wonderful meal! B: It absolutely was a great meal. We'll have to return here for lunch sometime.

上一篇: 878. AT A RESTAURANT: Good Tips for Good Service (2) 在餐厅:提供优质服务的贴士(2)
下一篇: 880. AT A RESTAURANT: Little Tips for Bad Service (1) 在餐厅:糟糕服务的小提示(1)