882. AT A RESTAURANT: Little Tips for Bad Service (3) 在餐厅:服务不好的小提示(3)


A: Would you like to order anything else? B: No, I'm good. All we need now is our check. A: Our waitress has been kind of scarce tonight, hasn't she? B: I think that is our waitress over by the bar. Boy, the service has not been good this evening. A: She doesn't appear to be headed this way, so I will go get the check. B: Good. Just bring it back and we'll total it together. A: Our total for dinner is $36.00. B: What do you think would be the right amount to tip? A: I kind of don't want to leave any tip for the lousy service we received. B: I agree that it was bad service, but I heard one of the other waiters mentioning that it was our server's first night on the job. A: I believe that 10% is just about right. B: I think that a tip of $3.60 will be the right amount to leave.

上一篇: 881. AT A RESTAURANT: Little Tips for Bad Service (2) 在餐厅:糟糕服务的小提示(2)
下一篇: 883. AT A RESTAURANT: Talking Positively About the Restaurant (1) 在餐厅:积极谈论餐厅(1)