969. DRIVING: Fighting a Ticket in Court (3) 驾驶:在法庭上争票(3)


A: Are you here about your ticket? B: Yes, I am, Your Honor. A: What is your argument? B: Your Honor, the police officer pulled me over for speeding. A: You must've been speeding. B: No, Your Honor, I was not. A: Tell me how many miles per hour you were going. B: I was going 35 in a 40 mph zone. A: That's fine, so I'll let you go with a warning. B: So, I don't have to pay the ticket? A: You won't have to pay the fine. B: Thank you very much, Your Honor.

上一篇: 968. DRIVING: Fighting a Ticket in Court (2) 驾驶:在法庭上争票(2)
下一篇: 970. DRIVING: Fighting a Ticket in Court (4) 驾驶:在法庭上争票(4)