971. DRIVING: Fighting a Ticket in Court (5) 驾驶:在法庭上争票(5)


A: Why are you in court today? B: I got a ticket, and I would like to fight it. A: Is the officer that pulled you over here today? B: He's here. A: Tell me what happened. B: The officer says that I ran a red light, but I didn't. A: The officer wouldn't lie about that. B: He must've, because the signal had a camera on top of it. A: There was no picture taken of your license plate? B: I don't believe it took my picture. A: I'm just going to let you go. B: I appreciate that.

上一篇: 970. DRIVING: Fighting a Ticket in Court (4) 驾驶:在法庭上争票(4)
下一篇: 972. DRIVING: Fighting a Ticket in Court (6) 驾驶:在法庭上争票(6)