1045. HEALTH: Physical Check-up (1) 健康:体检(1)


A: Good morning, how are you doing today? B: I have been feeling pretty good, Dr. Smith. A: So, I can see by your chart that you are here for your annual physical. B: Yes, I am playing on the tennis team this year, and they are requiring me to get a physical exam. A: We are basically going to check your heart, lungs, blood sugar levels, and eyes, ears, and nose. B: I've kind of been having problems being out of breath. Can you look at that? A: Yes, I will check you for asthma, and maybe we can check you for allergies later. B: Thank you. What will the blood test tell you? A: We will be checking for blood sugar, cholesterol, and white blood cell count. B: I have been working hard to stay healthy. I hope the tests turn out well.

上一篇: 1044. HEALTH: Not Feeling Well (3) 健康:感觉不舒服(3)
下一篇: 1046. HEALTH: Physical Check-up (2) 健康:体检(2)