1048. HEALTH: Seeing a Doctor in an Emergency (1) 健康:在紧急情况下看医生(1)


A: I need a doctor's appointment right away! B: Is this an emergency? A: I am having trouble breathing. B: Have you had a cold lately? A: It has been going on for a few days now. B: You should hang up and dial 911. A: I don't think that this is that bad, but I need to see a doctor right away. B: Is there someone who can drive you to our Urgent Care facility on Sunset Blvd.? A: Yes, I can get a ride to Urgent Care. B: Good. When you get there, a doctor will be able to see you right away.

上一篇: 1047. HEALTH: Physical Check-up (3) 健康:体检(3)
下一篇: 1049. HEALTH: Seeing a Doctor in an Emergency (2) 健康:在紧急情况下看医生(2)