1155. UNEMPLOYMENT: Payment Not Received (3) 失业:未收到付款(3)


A: I didn't receive an unemployment check this week and need to know why. B: Did you mail us your last Continued Claim Form? A: I am afraid that I forgot to send it in. B: We cannot pay you unless you turn that form in every two weeks. A: Is it too late to mail the Continued Claim Form in now? B: It can't be more than fourteen days late for us to accept it. A: I will mail it in a little early next time to avoid this problem. B: You can't possibly know in advance how much you will be working. If you mail it in too soon, we will reject it! A: Will my paycheck arrive late because I messed up on my form? B: Your check will be arriving late, but the next one will come right on time.

上一篇: 1154. UNEMPLOYMENT: Payment Not Received (2) 失业:未收到付款(2)
下一篇: 1156. UNEMPLOYMENT: Reduced Payment (1) 失业:减少支付(1)