1161. UNEMPLOYMENT: Looking for Jobs at EDD (3) 失业:在EDD找工作(3)


A: Do you have any job placement services at EDD? B: The first thing that you should check out is CalJobs, which is a great Internet-based placement service that you can use. A: What about people who don't have a computer? B: You can search for jobs on the computers at the EDD offices. A: What else is there at the EDD offices that can help me with my job search? B: We can help you find local information about available jobs and workshops. A: What are the different workshops that are available at the EDD offices? B: Resume Writing and Interviewing are our two most popular workshops. A: Can you think of some other places where I may look for work? B: Many times there are special services available to certain groups like Women at Work or job help for non-English speakers.

上一篇: 1160. UNEMPLOYMENT: Looking for Jobs at EDD (2) 失业:在EDD找工作(2)
下一篇: 1162. UNEMPLOYMENT: Talking to People at EDD (1) 待业:与EDD员工交谈(1)