1187. TRAVEL: Making a Hotel Reservation (2) 旅行:预订酒店(2)


A: I would like to book a reservation at your hotel. B: What date would you like to make that reservation for? A: I need the reservation for May 14th. B: How many days do you need the reservation for? A: I will be staying for 3 nights. B: Is that a single room, or will there be more guests? A: I need a double room. B: We have smoking and nonsmoking rooms. Which do you prefer? A: We require a smoking room. B: Your room is booked. You must arrive before 4:00 the day you are to check in.

上一篇: 1186. TRAVEL: Making a Hotel Reservation (1) 旅行:预订酒店(1)
下一篇: 1188. TRAVEL: Making a Hotel Reservation (3) 旅行:预订酒店(3)