1192. TRAVEL: Luggage Limits (1) 旅行:行李限制(1)


A: I don't know how much luggage I can take on the plane with me. B: You need to look up each individual airline online to get their restrictions. A: I just wonder what the general rules are. B: In the United States, if you fly economy on a domestic flight, you usually have to pay for checked baggage. A: What about international flights? B: On international flights, you usually have a two-bag limit with weight restrictions. A: What about carry-on bags? B: All airlines will allow you to bring one small carry-on that will fit under the seat. Sometimes you can also bring a purse or handbag. A: Do you have any words of wisdom for travelers in regard to luggage? B: Keep it light in regard to what you pack. Figure out what you absolutely need and leave the rest at home.

上一篇: 1191. TRAVEL: Getting a Passport (3) 旅行:获得护照(3)
下一篇: 1193. TRAVEL: Luggage Limits (2) 旅行:行李限制(2)