1218. TRAVEL: Ordering Food and Drink (3) 旅行:订购食物和饮料(3)


A: When you get a chance, could you take my drink order, please? B: On this flight you may have your choice of bar drinks or coffee, tea, or soft drinks. A: What is the price of drinks? B: Our alcoholic beverages are five dollars apiece. All others are two dollars each with free refills. A: Do we get to eat on this flight? B: We always pass out a small snack with your beverage. You will be served dinner in a few hours. A: What are we having for dinner tonight? B: We are serving a chicken, fish, or beef plate. You may select whatever you choose. A: Can I order a vegetarian plate? B: With advance notice, we are able to accommodate a wide variety of special diet needs. Once we are in the air, unfortunately, there isn't much we can do.

上一篇: 1217. TRAVEL: Ordering Food and Drink (2) 旅行:订购食品和饮料(2)
下一篇: 1219. TRAVEL: Missing Connecting Flight (1) 旅行:错过中转航班(1)