1226. TRAVEL: Arranging a Tour of the City (2) 旅游:安排城市旅游(2)


A: I need help knowing how to book some tours. B: We will be able to book your tours here. How long will you be here? A: I am only staying for three days. B: Is this your first stay in our city? A: I have been here before on a business trip but didn't really have a chance to see much. B: Have you thought of what types of things you would like to see? Would you maybe like to visit some outdoor venues or nighttime hotspots? A: I love being outdoors and would love to spend some time at the beach. B: We have a tour that can take you where you can see all of that. A: Do you have a tour where I can get a quick overview of the city? B: We do have tours like that, and I think that that is a good place to start.

上一篇: 1225. TRAVEL: Arranging a Tour of the City (1) 旅游:安排城市旅游(1)
下一篇: 1227. TRAVEL: Arranging a Tour of the City (3) 旅游:安排城市旅游(3)