1282. AT A HOTEL: Asking the Concierge for Restaurant Advice (2) 在酒店:向礼宾部咨询餐厅建议(2)


A: Can you tell me about a nice restaurant to go to? B: Of course! How much would you like to spend on your meal? A: My date is quite sophisticated. She would expect nothing less than the best. B: Well, how about our own hotel restaurant? It's conveniently located and has a three-star rating. A: That's a good idea, except I want to go out, not stay in. Something else, maybe? B: Well, how about Gramercy Tavern? It's a very popular tourist spot, with great food and music. A: That sounds good! Could you call them to see if I can get a reservation? B: Of course, sir. You've made a good choice.

上一篇: 1281. AT A HOTEL: Asking the Concierge for Restaurant Advice (1) 在酒店:向礼宾部咨询餐厅建议(1)
下一篇: 1283. AT A HOTEL: Asking the Concierge for Restaurant Advice (3) 在酒店:向礼宾部咨询餐厅建议(3)