1293. AT A HOTEL: Calling to Report a Cockroach Problem (1) (1) 在酒店:打电话报告蟑螂问题(1)(1)


A: I have a little problem with room 507. B: What exactly seems to be the problem, Mr. Sandals? A: I found cockroaches in my room. B: Cockroaches, sir? That's unbelievable. A: I've seen at least nine different cockroaches in my room. B: Sir, are you sure you haven't seen the same silverfish nine times? A: There are nine cockroaches in my room. I don't have time for your disbelief! B: I apologize. One moment, please, while I transfer you to my supervisor.

上一篇: 1292. AT A HOTEL: Talking to Room Service (6) 在酒店:与客房服务交谈(6)
下一篇: 1294. AT A HOTEL: Calling to Report a Cockroach Problem (1) (2) 在酒店:打电话报告蟑螂问题(1)(2)