1319. AT A HOTEL: Asking Where to Make a Copy (5) 在酒店:询问在哪里复印(5)


A: Can you tell me where I could make a copy of a document right now? B: Sir, you can come downstairs right now to the computer lab. A: That's great. I don't suppose the copy machine is free for guests? B: Sir, each copy is ten cents or one dime, whichever you prefer. A: In the good old days, it was only five cents a copy. I'll be right down. B: Those were the good old days, sir, indeed.

上一篇: 1318. AT A HOTEL: Asking Where to Make a Copy (4) 在酒店:询问在哪里复印(4)
下一篇: 1320. AT A HOTEL: Calling to Report a Medical Emergency (1) 在酒店:打电话报告医疗紧急情况(1)