1336. AT A HOTEL: Asking about the Swimming Pool (2) 在酒店:询问游泳池(2)


A: Does this hotel have a pool? B: I'm sorry, sir, we don't have one. However, in our gym, we do have swim stations. A: I'm not sure I understand. B: Think of a deep bathtub that you can swim in, but against a current. A: Cool. What will they think of next? How much are they? B: Sir, guests pay nothing to use the stations. A: Excellent! Now what are the hours? B: The gym is open 24/7, but the stations are open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. only. A: I'm going to change into my trunks right now! B: I think you'll like the experience, sir. It's a great workout.

上一篇: 1335. AT A HOTEL: Asking about the Swimming Pool (1) 在酒店:询问游泳池(1)
下一篇: 1337. AT A HOTEL: Asking about the Swimming Pool (3) 在酒店:询问游泳池(3)