1361. AT A HOTEL: Storing Luggage for a Few Hours (5) 在酒店:存放行李几个小时(5)


A: I'll be checking out of the hotel in about 30 minutes. B: Thirty minutes or 30 seconds, sir, it doesn't matter, I'm ready for you. A: Great! As you know, however, the day in New York has hardly begun. B: There's nothing like getting an early start, sir. A: What can I do with my baggage while I visit a few more tourist spots? B: You can leave your baggage in our storage space, with a deposit. A: Isn't my baggage enough of a deposit? B: I wish it was, but it isn't. They will still want a credit card. A: It's always something, isn't it? Let me think about this for a second. B: Don't forget that you have very little time, sir, before you have to check out.

上一篇: 1360. AT A HOTEL: Storing Luggage for a Few Hours (4) 在酒店:存放行李几个小时(4)
下一篇: 1362. AT A HOTEL: To Hold a Parcel for Pick-up (1) 在酒店:持有包裹以便提货(1)