1449. SELLING A HOUSE: Deciding Whether to Carry Part of a Loan (3) 出售房屋:决定是否持有部分贷款(3)


A: If the purchaser of your home wants you to carry part of the loan, is that good? B: Carrying a loan could be good or bad for you as a seller. A: Why would it be a good thing to carry a note on my own house? B: For investors who can afford to have their money tied up, it can offer a fairly nice return. A: What advantage is my buyer looking for in having me carry him on paper? B: We are seeing more and more buyers who are not able to qualify for a loan and are able to take out a second mortgage with the owner. A: Can I lose my money if I carry a second mortgage? B: It is an investment and carries some risks. You are counting on the housing market to not go into a tailspin. A: Is there a certain amount of time that I will be carrying this loan? B: The buyer and seller set the year for the loan to come due.

上一篇: 1448. SELLING A HOUSE: Deciding Whether to Carry Part of a Loan (2) 出售房屋:决定是否持有部分贷款(2)
下一篇: 1450. SELLING A HOUSE: Deed Transfer (1) 出售房屋:契据转让(1)