1474. IN A NEW NEIGHBORHOOD: Where to Find Places to Eat (1) 在新的社区:哪里可以找到吃的地方(1)


A: I'm new to the neighborhood. B: Have you been able to find everything okay? A: Actually, could you help me with that? B: What can I help you with? A: I'm trying to find a nice restaurant to eat at. B: What kind of food do you want? A: I wouldn't mind some good Chinese food. B: There's a great Chinese restaurant right down the street. A: Could you tell me how to get there? B: It's a few blocks down. You'll find it on the right-hand side. A: Would you like to come eat lunch with me? B: I would love to. Thanks.

上一篇: 1473. IN A NEW NEIGHBORHOOD: Where to Find a Movie Theater (3) 在新社区:哪里可以找到电影院(3)
下一篇: 1475. IN A NEW NEIGHBORHOOD: Where to Find Places to Eat (2) 在新的社区:哪里可以找到吃的地方(2)