1489. IN A NEW NEIGHBORHOOD: Taking a Walk around a Park (1) 在新社区:在公园周围散步(1)


A: It's such a beautiful day. B: It's a perfect day to take a walk in the park. A: I think so too. B: The sky is so clear, and you can see the mountains perfectly. A: Check out those red roses. B: You can tell that it's the spring. A: That's because everything's in bloom right now. B: Look! That man's selling ice cream. A: Do you want to go get one? B: That sounds so good. A: It'll be my treat. B: That's very nice of you.

上一篇: 1488. IN A NEW NEIGHBORHOOD: Hailing a Cab (3) 在新社区:叫出租车(3)
下一篇: 1490. IN A NEW NEIGHBORHOOD: Taking a Walk around a Park (2) 在新社区:在公园周围散步(2)